
Knuckling down, loyal, and working like a dog describes the Working dog brand. we are inventive, provocative and engaging. Design for brands, publications, and people. Illustrations and Photography for the love and creative nature


James Kelly

I grew up on a lifestyle block so am no stranger to always having work to do and my Dad often told me growing up “Put your head down and get it done” which has given me a strong work ethic. Hence also why I have made my professional brand Workingdog, as a Working dog works tirelessly to get the job done. Over the past 5 years I have been working in Graphic design and I would describe myself as a very relaxed and easy to get along with personally especially in stressful times. I have also been in customer service for the majority of my younger years working so I have good communication skills. I think of myself very much as a team player.

My creative approach is to treat my work as a problem solving equation, finding the little details and Ideas to drive and connect people.

I have now built my own brand of Working dog to not only show my work ethic, but also have a platform I can build and show others as well. A forum I can sell myself.

I offer Graphic design work, Branding, Advertising, Product design, Web design, Illustration and photography to help get your message out.





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